CryptoCart Bridge - Smart Contract Audit Report


CryptoCart Bridge Bridge Audit Report The CryptoCart Team has developed a cross-chain bridge which will allow their users to deposit their native CryptoCart tokens across the ETH, Binance, or Polygon blockchains.

For this audit we reviewed the project's various bridge contracts: maticBridge, bnbBridge, ethBridge, on their respective blockchains for the Polygon, BSC, and ETH networks. We previously reviewed the project team's Token Contract here. The addresses for each contract reviewed are found below:
  • maticBridge 0xd1e46e5e4433c92f596636b9765fdeaa181bcaa5
  • bnbBridge 0xd1e46e5e4433c92f596636b9765fdeaa181bcaa5
  • ethBridge 0x3b397932873e8974fb05908929e9dda8fa7eec24
  • Please note we have not reviewed the off-chain logic related to the CryptoCart bridges.

    Notes on the Contracts:
  • The CryptoCart Bridge contracts on each chain serve as the on and off ramp for the various chains.
  • For example, users can send their tokens to the bridge contract on the Ethereum Blockchain to make those tokens available on the Binance or Polygon Blockchains.
  • In order to claim their tokens on one of the desired blockchains, users will need to have currency that is native to the chain of which they are claiming tokens. (ETH for Ethereum, BNB for Binance, MATIC for Polygon).
  • The code for each bridge contract is identical so the same logic applies for each.
  • The contract utilizes multi-owner logic to extend ownership priveledges to multiple addresses to manage the contract and various functionality.
  • There is a commission fee that is charged (in ETH/BNB/MATIC) for using the bridge. The commission is distributed across the owners.
  • Any owner has the ability to write a transaction which will specify an amount of $CC Tokens that a given address can receive when they claim.
  • Any owner has the ability to withdraw $CC tokens from the contract and transfer them to an address that they specify.
  • Any owner has the ability to withdraw ETH/BNB/MATIC from the contract and transfer it to an address that they specify.
  • Some functions can be declared external instead of public to save on gas.
  • The contracts ulitize SafeMath to prevent issues related to overflow/underflows.

  • Audit Findings Summary:
    • No issues from external attackers were identified.
    • Ensure trust in the team as they have the ability to withdraw any $CC and ETH/BNB/MATIC from each of the bridge contract balances.
    • Further, ensure trust the team as they will operate off-chain logic to power the bridge used for cross-chain transfers.
    • Date: October 17th, 2021

    Combined External Threat Results

    Vulnerability CategoryNotesResult
    Arbitrary Storage WriteN/APASS
    Arbitrary JumpN/APASS
    Delegate Call to Untrusted ContractN/APASS
    Dependence on Predictable VariablesN/APASS
    Deprecated OpcodesN/APASS
    Ether ThiefN/APASS
    External CallsN/APASS
    Integer Over/UnderflowN/APASS
    Multiple SendsN/APASS
    State Change External CallsN/APASS
    Unchecked RetvalN/APASS
    User Supplied AssertionN/APASS
    Critical Solidity CompilerN/APASS
    Overall Contract Safety PASS

    Details: ethBridge Contract

    ERC20 Token Graph

    Multi-file Token

    Functions Overview

     ($) = payable function
     # = non-constant function
     Int = Internal
     Ext = External
     Pub = Public
     +  Multiownable 
        - [Pub] isOwner
        - [Pub] ownersCount
        - [Pub] allOperationsCount
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Int] checkHowManyOwners #
        - [Int] deleteOperation #
        - [Pub] cancelPending #
           - modifiers: onlyAnyOwner
        - [Pub] transferOwnership #
        - [Pub] transferOwnershipWithHowMany #
           - modifiers: onlyManyOwners
     +  Context 
        - [Int] _msgSender
        - [Int] _msgData
     + [Int] IERC20 
        - [Ext] totalSupply
        - [Ext] balanceOf
        - [Ext] transfer #
        - [Ext] allowance
        - [Ext] approve #
        - [Ext] transferFrom #
     + [Lib] SafeMath 
        - [Int] add
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] mul
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] mod
        - [Int] mod
     +  ERC20 (Context, IERC20)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] name
        - [Pub] symbol
        - [Pub] decimals
        - [Pub] totalSupply
        - [Pub] balanceOf
        - [Pub] transfer #
        - [Pub] allowance
        - [Pub] approve #
        - [Pub] transferFrom #
        - [Pub] increaseAllowance #
        - [Pub] decreaseAllowance #
        - [Int] _transfer #
        - [Int] _mint #
        - [Int] _burn #
        - [Int] _approve #
        - [Int] _setupDecimals #
        - [Int] _beforeTokenTransfer #
     +  CryptoCart (ERC20)
        - [Pub]  #
           - modifiers: ERC20
        - [Pub] burn #
     +  ethBridge (Multiownable)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] sendTokens #
        - [Pub] writeTransaction #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners
        - [Pub] recieveTokens ($)
        - [Pub] withdrawTokens #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners
        - [Pub] withdrawEther #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners

    Details: bnbBridge Contract

    ERC20 Token Graph

    Multi-file Token

    Functions Overview

     ($) = payable function
     # = non-constant function
     Int = Internal
     Ext = External
     Pub = Public
     +  Multiownable 
        - [Pub] isOwner
        - [Pub] ownersCount
        - [Pub] allOperationsCount
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Int] checkHowManyOwners #
        - [Int] deleteOperation #
        - [Pub] cancelPending #
           - modifiers: onlyAnyOwner
        - [Pub] transferOwnership #
        - [Pub] transferOwnershipWithHowMany #
           - modifiers: onlyManyOwners
     +  Context 
        - [Int] _msgSender
        - [Int] _msgData
     + [Int] IERC20 
        - [Ext] totalSupply
        - [Ext] balanceOf
        - [Ext] transfer #
        - [Ext] allowance
        - [Ext] approve #
        - [Ext] transferFrom #
     + [Lib] SafeMath 
        - [Int] add
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] mul
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] mod
        - [Int] mod
     +  ERC20 (Context, IERC20)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] name
        - [Pub] symbol
        - [Pub] decimals
        - [Pub] totalSupply
        - [Pub] balanceOf
        - [Pub] transfer #
        - [Pub] allowance
        - [Pub] approve #
        - [Pub] transferFrom #
        - [Pub] increaseAllowance #
        - [Pub] decreaseAllowance #
        - [Int] _transfer #
        - [Int] _mint #
        - [Int] _burn #
        - [Int] _approve #
        - [Int] _setupDecimals #
        - [Int] _beforeTokenTransfer #
     +  CryptoCart (ERC20)
        - [Pub]  #
           - modifiers: ERC20
        - [Pub] burn #
     +  bnbBridge (Multiownable)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] sendTokens #
        - [Pub] writeTransaction #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners
        - [Pub] recieveTokens ($)
        - [Pub] withdrawTokens #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners
        - [Pub] withdrawEther #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners

    Details: maticBridge Contract

    ERC20 Token Graph

    Multi-file Token

    Functions Overview

     ($) = payable function
     # = non-constant function
     Int = Internal
     Ext = External
     Pub = Public
     +  Multiownable 
        - [Pub] isOwner
        - [Pub] ownersCount
        - [Pub] allOperationsCount
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Int] checkHowManyOwners #
        - [Int] deleteOperation #
        - [Pub] cancelPending #
           - modifiers: onlyAnyOwner
        - [Pub] transferOwnership #
        - [Pub] transferOwnershipWithHowMany #
           - modifiers: onlyManyOwners
     +  Context 
        - [Int] _msgSender
        - [Int] _msgData
     + [Int] IERC20 
        - [Ext] totalSupply
        - [Ext] balanceOf
        - [Ext] transfer #
        - [Ext] allowance
        - [Ext] approve #
        - [Ext] transferFrom #
     + [Lib] SafeMath 
        - [Int] add
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] mul
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] mod
        - [Int] mod
     +  ERC20 (Context, IERC20)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] name
        - [Pub] symbol
        - [Pub] decimals
        - [Pub] totalSupply
        - [Pub] balanceOf
        - [Pub] transfer #
        - [Pub] allowance
        - [Pub] approve #
        - [Pub] transferFrom #
        - [Pub] increaseAllowance #
        - [Pub] decreaseAllowance #
        - [Int] _transfer #
        - [Int] _mint #
        - [Int] _burn #
        - [Int] _approve #
        - [Int] _setupDecimals #
        - [Int] _beforeTokenTransfer #
     +  CryptoCart (ERC20)
        - [Pub]  #
           - modifiers: ERC20
        - [Pub] burn #
     +  maticBridge (Multiownable)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] sendTokens #
        - [Pub] writeTransaction #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners
        - [Pub] recieveTokens ($)
        - [Pub] withdrawTokens #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners
        - [Pub] withdrawEther #
           - modifiers: onlyAllOwners