Passive.Income - Smart Contract Audit Report


Passive.Income Audit Report Passive.Income is an innovative Ethereum token that re-imagines the concept of DeFI yield generation and changes this to DeFi passive income generation.

We audited Passive.Income's token contract, deployed at 0xd4cb461eace80708078450e465881599d2235f1a.

Overview of the Contract:
  • Users who hold tokens will automatically receive the fees from a transaction tax on each transfer.
  • The total supply of the token is set to 50,000 and no mint functions are present. After deployment, the total supply of tokens are all sent to the deployer's address.

  • Owners have the ability to exclude and include users from transfer fees.
  • As of the date of this report, Uniswap has been excluded from transaction fees.

  • The contract utilizes SafeMath libraries to prevent overflows along with following the ERC20 standard.
Audit Findings Summary
  • No security issues were detected in the analysis.
  • The developer, Bjorn Mattens, has performed KYC verification with us (ID + Photo with note). He is a citizen of the Kingdom of The Netherlands.
  • Date: January 7th, 2021
  • Update: January 8th, 2021 - Add Uniswap excluded from fees; KYC statement.
  • Update: January 27th, 2021 - Remove code due to DMCA Takedown Request from the Reflect Foundation. Source code can still be viewed here.

Vulnerability CategoryNotesResult
Arbitrary Storage WriteN/APASS
Arbitrary JumpN/APASS
Delegate Call to Untrusted ContractN/APASS
Dependence on Predictable VariablesN/APASS
Deprecated OpcodesN/APASS
Ether ThiefN/APASS
External CallsN/APASS
Flash LoansN/APASS
Integer Over/UnderflowN/APASS
Multiple SendsN/APASS
State Change External CallsN/APass
Unchecked RetvalN/APASS
User Supplied AssertionN/APASS
Critical Solidity CompilerN/APASS
Overall Contract Safety PASS

ERC20 Token Graph

Multi-file Token

($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function

 +  Context 
    - [Int]  #
    - [Int] _msgSender
    - [Int] _msgData

 + [Int] IERC20 
    - [Ext] totalSupply
    - [Ext] balanceOf
    - [Ext] transfer #
    - [Ext] allowance
    - [Ext] approve #
    - [Ext] transferFrom #

 + [Lib] SafeMath 
    - [Int] add
    - [Int] sub
    - [Int] sub
    - [Int] mul
    - [Int] div
    - [Int] div
    - [Int] mod
    - [Int] mod

 + [Lib] Address 
    - [Int] isContract
    - [Int] toPayable
    - [Int] sendValue #

 +  Ownable (Context)
    - [Int]  #
    - [Pub] owner
    - [Pub] isOwner
    - [Pub] renounceOwnership #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Pub] transferOwnership #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Int] _transferOwnership #

 +  PSI (Context, IERC20, Ownable)
    - [Pub]  #
    - [Pub] name
    - [Pub] symbol
    - [Pub] decimals
    - [Pub] totalSupply
    - [Pub] balanceOf
    - [Pub] transfer #
    - [Pub] allowance
    - [Pub] approve #
    - [Pub] transferFrom #
    - [Pub] increaseAllowance #
    - [Pub] decreaseAllowance #
    - [Pub] isExcluded
    - [Pub] totalFees
    - [Pub] reflect #
    - [Pub] reflectionFromToken
    - [Pub] tokenFromReflection
    - [Ext] excludeAccount #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] includeAccount #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Prv] _approve #
    - [Prv] _transfer #
    - [Prv] _transferStandard #
    - [Prv] _transferToExcluded #
    - [Prv] _transferFromExcluded #
    - [Prv] _transferBothExcluded #
    - [Prv] _reflectFee #
    - [Prv] _getValues
    - [Prv] _getTValues
    - [Prv] _getRValues
    - [Prv] _getRate
    - [Prv] _getCurrentSupply